Category Archives: Exhibitions

Winners – Biennial 2020

19th September, 2020

Announcing the Prize Winners for the RQAS Biennial Exhibitions 2020 – Queensland Figurative and Young Artist Award. Congratulations to all artists who entered these Exhibitions and a very special mention to those who were […]

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Queensland Figurative 2020 Finalists

25th August, 2020

The Royal Queensland Art Society would like to congratulate the finalists of the Queensland Figurative 2020 on their selection. The panel endeavoured to assemble a strong collection of artworks from a very competitive field […]

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Winners – Abstraction 2020

21st August, 2020

Untitled I (Deliberate Pictures Series) by Natalie Lavelle $2800 Acrylic and Thread on Canvas 105cm JUDGES COMMENTS: Above all other works in the exhibition, this painting connects directly with the […]

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Elements 2020 Online

13th August, 2020

The Royal Queensland Art Society invites you to enjoy our Elements Exhibition. Artists were asked to respond to the title theme ‘Elements’. This exhibition features works in a variety of […]

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Winners – Members Annual 2020

26th July, 2020

Best Artwork Still Life #368 by Laura Phillips Oil Painting $2000 101x91cm JUDGES COMMENTS: This is a successful elaboration of a simple yet engaging idea: an arrangement of rectangles as […]

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Members Annual 2020

15th July, 2020

The Royal Queensland Art Society is pleased to present the 2020 Members Annual Exhibition. This exhibition features works in a variety of styles and media. View in person at the […]

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What is Abstract Art?

10th May, 2020
All art forms and processes involve abstraction of some kind, even when the aim is representation of recognisable forms. But in modern parlance, abstract art is that which uses the [...] Continue Reading

Online Exhibition

1st May, 2020

  RQAS is proud to present our first online exhibition, created to allow our Artists a chance to exhibit their artworks created in isolation.     Artists To find out […]

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Drawing: the fortifying element in any artist’s work

9th October, 2019

The importance of drawing lies in the fact that it embodies a genuine and independent way of thinking. It is the most fundamental and direct of the visual arts in […]

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Tom Petrie’s Diaries and other Gems

24th July, 2019

Throw back Thursday! You might all enjoy some little historical tip-bits that John Kane shared in his opening speech, that he gave a last year at out Members Annual. I […]

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