Congratulations to all the recipients of the Petrie Terrace Gallery Awards. Each Selector for the Salon des Refuses has chosen a work to receive this award.
Click here to view the awards presentation and official opening of the Salon des Refuses, or scroll down to view the winners and selectors comments.
Selected by Lewis Miller

Wrapped in Plastic
by Charlotte England
A solid sense of form and use of colour, especially in the face. There is a beauty of shape within the folds of the plastic, an innovative composition and a very effective mood, referring to Twin Peaks but not relying on it.
Selected by Andrew Bonneau

by Purple Chang
Wonderful use of a mid toned imprimatura, with solidly painted lights and transparent shadows. A variety of textural application of paint, and subtle, optical colour contribute to its effect, which is clearly an honesty painted self portrait, done from observation.
Selected by Dr Christine Kirkegard

The Owl of Minerva Flies at Dusk
by Dr Kay Kane
Subject matter and abstract design considerations are given equal weight in this complex and powerful composition which may compel the viewer to consider the psychological and metaphysical elements of pictorial construction.
Visual relationships and directional rhythms across the canvas explore and synthesize the artist’s encounter with the image of self over time in veiled and overt appearances from the implacable gaze of a central recent self to the cyclic shape punctuations and space interludes of her past reflections.
The gestation of this painting is rooted in the act of many paintings each with its own dynamism of lines shapes and values here striving for a new compositional equilibrium and perhaps ultimately an aesthetic reconciliation.
Peoples Choice

Portrait of Luigi Casagrande
by Dr Qi Liu