RQAS is proud to present our first online exhibition, created to allow our Artists a chance to exhibit their artworks created in isolation.
Theme – Artists are requested to submit artworks that describe their feelings or what they have been creating during this period of isolation.
Entries Due Friday 24th April 2020
Please Note! this is a virtual exhibition and all artworks must be entered digitally, but can have been originally created in any media or style.
The Artist winning People’s Choice will be awarded 1 years membership to the RQAS Brisbane Branch, no other prizes will be awarded.
Terms & Conditions
- Entry fees are not refundable, regardless of whether the artwork is accepted or not.
- Exhibitors agree to images of their work being reproduced in print and online for promotional purposes.
- Artworks must be submitted digitally and consist of a jpeg file with a height of 600 pixels and with a file size between 100 and 250kb. File must be renamed to “Your Surname_First Name_Title of Artwork.jpg”
- Entrants are asked to supply a link to their own website or social media which will be published with their work in the online gallery.
- Entries must be the original work of the exhibitor. The artwork must not have been awarded a prize in any other exhibition.
- Artworks will only be displayed at the discretion of the Gallery.
- All artworks must be for sale. The gallery will charge 27.5% commission (including GST) on any sales.
- We offer 3 month lay-by options for buyers.
- Artist will be paid for any sales after the end of the exhibition OR when any lay-by is paid in full.
- Should any dispute arise where no specific ruling is laid down the committees decision is final.