1.1 Entry fee $50 per artwork (RQAS Brisbane Branch Members $30). Entry fees are not refundable and non-transferrable.
1.2 Entry forms can be completed either:
- or are to be returned to Petrie Terrace Gallery at Unit 3, 162 Petrie Terrace Brisbane.
1.3 The successful completion and submission of the entry form, image(s), process brief and payment will be considered as receipt of payment and entry only. The gallery will email you to confirm your place in the exhibition or if we need further information about your entry.
1.4 A selection process will be conducted. After the submissions have been processed, all artists will be advised if they have been selected as a finalist or not. Only finalists will have their work exhibited in the Gallery.
1.5 Artwork must not have won a prize in any other competition. Artwork must not have been entered in an RQAS-sponsored competition in the last two years.
2.1 Artworks to be delivered to the Gallery on bump in day at 3/162 Petrie Terrace, Brisbane, QLD, 4000.
2.2 If you are not able to deliver at this time please contact the gallery to make alternative arrangements once your entry form has been submitted.
3.1 Entries must be the original work of the exhibitor, and not infringe the copyright, moral rights or other rights of any third party. If you are submitting a portrait the entrant must have the subject’s consent to enter the artwork in this exhibition including ensuring they understand the artwork may be displayed to the public.
3.2 This exhibition does not accept entries that were completed in whole or in part by Artificial Intelligence (AI).
3.3 Exhibitors agree to images of their work being reproduced in print and online for promotional purposes, to this end please include a digital jpeg file with your online entry or email to entries@rqas.com.au. Save file as “yourname_artworktitle”
3.4 All works need to be easily carried by 1 person.
3.5 Each artwork must not exceed 1.5m in width.
3.6 Entries are accepted, displayed, and returned at the owner’s risk. Freight and insurance are also the owner’s responsibility. All care will be taken, but no responsibility accepted for loss or damage.
3.7 Any questions artists have during installation must be addressed to the Operations Manager or their representative.
3.8 Should any dispute arise where no specific ruling is laid down the RQAS Brisbane Branch committee’s decision is final.
4.1 Artworks MUST be clean, dry and professionally finished (such as, but not limited to: squared up, with no damage to work or frame). Any artwork not professionally finished will not be able to be placed on display.
4.2 Framed or otherwise mounted artworks must be ready to hang using “D” rings placed approximately 5 -10cm from the top of the frame. Wire or string is not required.
4.3 Clearly mark the artist’s name, contact details, title of work, and price on the artwork.
4.4 Artworks will only be displayed at the absolute discretion of the Gallery.
We will not display artwork deemed unsafe, offensive, or unsuitable.
5.1 Artwork must be for sale, please allow for RQAS commission and any applicable GST when setting price. Artists aged 17yrs or under DO NOT have to list their artwork for sale, but must notify gallery at time of entry.
5.2 The gallery will charge 27.5% commission (including GST) on all sales.
5.3 Artists will be paid for any sales after the end of the exhibition OR when artworks have been paid in full.
Pick up/Bump Out
6.1 Entries may ONLY be picked up at the end of the exhibition. Bump out is Monday, 25th of August between 10am – 12pm.
6.2 Works not collected within three months of the exhibition closing date may be disposed of at the discretion of the RQAS Management Committee.
Events & Prizes
7.1 All entrants and their guests must book in to the Opening event and purchase a ticket if they wish to attend.
7.2 Prizes to the value of:
Three equal prizes
$300 per artist |
People’s choice will be awarded at the end of the Exhibition. Winner will receive free Membership to RQAS Brisbane Branch for 12 months. |