Congratulations to the winners from the Art of Imagination.
Judged by Patrick Jones.
Fellow Recognition Award judged by Greg de Silva.
First Prize

by Scott Breton
Oil on Panel
Beautiful art from Scott. Apart from virtuoso technique the painting has a grand scale to it and is filled with mystery and wonder; key ingredients for intriguing works of the imagination, also Scott shows he’s not afraid to paint hands—elegant ones at that.
Second Prize

Goddess of My Lake Emerging
by Glenise Clelland
Stunning stuff from Glenise. I loved this from the moment I saw it. The sense of wonder and the beautiful harmonies of colour make this a timeless piece of art. Just beautiful.
Third Prize

Reflecting on Life
by William Richardson
A wonderful sculpture from William. The imaginative flow of the forms coming off the smooth skull and the alien markings are a beautiful thing to see. The leather surface adds to the mysterious sense of a lost artefact from some ancient time.
Highly Commended

by Joanne Brooker
Acrylic on Paper
Lovely work from Joanne, which has a wicked sense of humour to it. It was a toss up between this one and her other work on show, but the cats won the day.

Feel Free to Touch Me
by Anna Gonzalez
Mixed Media-Diorama
I smile every time I see this one from Anna. The sense of stop-motion and the sheer joy of it is fabulous. The interactive nature is also a great gift from the artist to the art lover.

Gaiya – Devil Dingo
by Wilna Ten-Cate
Mixed (Ink, Graphite, Gold Leaf)
Intriguing work from Wilna. The confident use of space and sparse line make this a piece of art that will never grow old. The gold leaf is a perfect final touch.

Medusa Sightings
by Geoff Treagus
Excellent and unique work from Geoff. The consistent jerky flow of the paint gives the impression of an artist totally immersed in their craft. This art has great personality and I love the curious snake eyes.
Fellows Recognition Award
Judged by Greg deSilva

If I Had Wings
by Lesley Shelley
Oil on Linen
A lovely painting using warm tones except for the blue of the girls eyes. The butterfly’s add to the mystery of the title and being able to fly. Even the little mouse on the girls shoulder has sprouted its own wings and could take off at any moment. The umbrella also has that ‘Mary Poppins’ charm, so the girl could also fly, if the magic is right. The work radiates charm.
People’s Choice

The Navigators
by Robbie Erskine
Oil on Panel