Juanita Sanganithy


Juanita is an Australian artist who enjoys being immersed in nature, observing the colours, light and textures, and bringing these to life on the canvas. Capturing images from the natural beauty in her surroundings and painting these to incredible detail serves as a meditation for her. Juanita loves to use vibrant colours in her creative work, preferring acrylics to express her style, ranging from realism to abstract.  


Juanita is an award winning artist and finalist in numerous Australian and international art competitions, including the Holmes Prize for Excellence in Realistic Australian Bird Art, John Villiers Outback Art Prize, The Doyles, RQAS competitions at Petrie Terrace Gallery, Light Space & Time Online Gallery (Special Recognition Award, Special Merit Award), Grey Cube Gallery (two Honourable Mention Awards), Artist Space Gallery, and Art Room Gallery.


Prints: https://www.buyartnow.com.au/juanita-sanganithy

Fb: https://www.facebook.com/JSangArt

Ig: https://www.instagram.com/j_sang_art