The Royal Queensland Art Society would like to congratulate the winners of our new exhibition Materially Designed and extend a heartfelt thank you to all our judges, as well as to all the entrants and volunteers who helped to make this exhibition a success.
Jewellery and Small Objects Prize, awarded by Elizabeth Shaw

Mycelium Crystals
by Adrian Hogan
Sterling Silver
Judges Comments:
Adrian Hogan’s artist statement refers to similarities between Mycelium Crystals and coral. For me the works are evocative of another natural phenomena, the trails left by termites. The sculptural nature of the works is engaging.
Jewellery and Small Objects Prize, awarded by Elizabeth Shaw

Jewellery Collection
by Kyrin Embrey
Sterling Silver and Enamel
Judges Comments:
These pieces are suggestive of works that are sculptures for the body. Kyrin Embrey’s two dripping enamelled pendants are evocative of natural forms, suggesting flow caught in a moment of time.
Intergenerational Threads Award, awarded by Jane Milburn

by Donna Gibb
Judges Comments:
This striking portrait represents fashion as intergenerational treasure that remains special and stylish across the ages. The handmade taffeta dress is displayed beside this painting by a mother of her daughter Hannah wearing the dress originally made for the painter. The dressmaker was the painter’s late grandmother Ada who made it for the painter’s school formal in 1983. This artwork represents old-school hand-me-down culture which is the complete opposite of today’s buy and toss mentality. It shows we value and want to hold on to meaningful and storyful garments that stand the test of time. Congratulations to artist Donna Gibb.
Creative Vision Award, awarded by Jane Milburn

by Toni McIsaac
Wood and Metal
Judges Comments:
The flounce of the hemline and the purposeful swing of the arms are the first things that catch the eye. On closer inspection, one sees the dress is a weathered trunk and the arms a twisted tree branch. These two pieces of wood are attached to another that forms the body anchoring this sculptural beauty. Erin represents solid artistic vision wrought using timber upcycled from the natural world. Her creative and regenerative form are an urgently-needed counter to the disposable plastic fashion cluttering our ecosystem. Congratulations to artist Toni McIsaac.
Material Difference Best Fabric Design, awarded by Kristie Fankhauser

by Lisa Pullen
Judges Comments:
This beautiful watercolour will look magnificent printed on fabric. With a white background it is stunning, but the beauty of this artwork is that once in repeat, changing the background colour will keep the integrity of the artwork but make it look new – it will also scale beautifully (large or small to see more or less of the repeating pattern – making it so very versatile for commercial fabric.
Art Prize – DESIGN, awarded by RQAS Fellows Frances McKennariey and David Henderson

Dandelion Wishes
by Alice Blue
Judges Comments:
This small image of densely interlocking forms and layered painterly surface moves easily between a painting and potential design for material. The surface tension is well controlled through variations in colour and shapes of the floral forms.
Art Prize – COLOUR AND TEXTURE, awarded by RQAS Fellows Frances McKennariey and David Henderson

Abstract Floral Scarf collection
by Di Cox
Painting Printed on Fabric
Judges Comments:
This triptych engages with both texture (visual and material) and colour. The use of harmonising and contrasting hues for each panel, loose painterly images and choice of delicate material enhance the sense of light so that it changes from a painting into fashion items as though by alchemy.
Art Prize – FORM, awarded by RQAS Fellows Frances McKennariey and David Henderson

Once and Floral, and Don’t Leaf Me Alone
by Jo Cochrane
Judges Comments:
The painting is a well realised botanical study that successfully transitions from a 2D image into a decorative motif that wraps across the form of the body in an elegant gesture. This gesture accentuates the design of the dress.
Art Prize – FORM, awarded by RQAS Fellows Frances McKennariey and David Henderson

Garden of Eden
by Louise Blood
Digitally Printed on Cotton from Acrylic Painting
Judges Comments:
This richly detailed image successfully transforms the artist’s original painting through fashion processes of fabric printing, sewing, layering, quilting, stitching and bordering. The graceful serpentine line unifies the intricate floral images and layering of materials into an integrated and harmonious whole.
Best Execution of Concept and Design, Awarded by Rachel Burke

An Exploration of Flowers
by Nina Casagrande
Best Expression of Personal Style through Design and Tailoring, awarded by Rachel Burke

by Nicholas Stevens-Hoare
Harric Tweed, Cotton Fabric and Leather
People’s Choice

Everything Pales in Comparison (Pale Headed Rosella)
by Kristy-Ann Duffy