Judged by Guest Artist Frances McKennariery, Her comments listed below
First Place

The energy of chaos is beautifully demonstrated and held in shallow space through expert use of a high key palette and harmonising colours. Rhythmic waves of line and shape enhance the sense of movement and subdue this energy into an invitation to join in the ‘joie de vivre’.
Second Place

Out of the darkness of chaos which so many artists visit in their creative process the energy has here emerged in an illuminated spiral – which happens to be an elegant pair of shells. The dramatic contrasts of light and dark support the strong movement of the spirals then the eye is brought to the reflections which slow the mind and underpin the work with a final sense of gravity.
Third Place

This subtle and thoughtful work unifies the movement in space and moments in time. A limited palette imbues the work with a sense of restraint and quiet contemplation as does the amusing use of the philosopher/artist image as the key still life figure.
Highly Commended

The elegant choice of subject matter with Bird of Paradise blooms and finest Chinese vase is enhanced by gold ground and composed into a compelling image with a clear message. This image of refinement and culture disconcertingly includes a rough outback Australia image hand painted on the vase. The inner energy from the tensions in the imagery engages the viewer and hints at another way of seeing our world. Whatever the interpretations the work remains elegant and intriguing.

This subtle and beautifully observed drawing of a busy kitchen bench draws the eye into an experience of each object through sensitive line and shape. The silvery tonal range and use of silhouette resolves the chaos into a unified and graceful image.

The choice of subject, “Pie ‘n’ Chips” is witty and relevant to most of us which makes a great choice for still life. The sense of a meal interrupted adds dimension to the experience of the forms. Well realised in concept, placement, colours and textures.
Joanne Heath, Red Blue Reflection
Don Wotton, The Mink that Stole the Show
People’s choice