Marie Adams

Banksia Man.1
Jessica greening buildings
Riparian Zone

My focus is on portraiture, life drawing and the Australian landscape. I am fascinated by the dilemma of portraying people; of how to capture an aspect of each person’s unique image and tell something of their story in a way that they are comfortable with, but retains integrity.

I enjoy the challenge of life drawing; of trying to portray the person in front of me in a limited amount of time and the moment when you feel that your eye and hand are working in unison.

Currently I am trying to combine figurative work with landscape, and in particular, the Australian bush. I am always inspired by places that I visit and the people I meet and I try and recreate these experiences in my work. I am interested in exploring environmental and social justice issues in my art practice.

I am drawn by the visual, tactile, compulsive nature of making art. I work with charcoal, ink, watercolour, pastels, acrylic and gouache on paper and oil paint on canvas. I like working with clay and I would like to experiment more with sculpture and mixed media.