Winners – Brisbane: Landmarks, Landscapes and Personalities 2024

Winners – Brisbane: Landmarks, Landscapes and Personalities 2024

The Royal Queensland Art Society would like to congratulate all the winners in the Brisbane: Landmarks, Landscapes and Personalities Exhibition.

Thanks also to our Judge Seabastion Toast, and Fellows Selector Beverley Tainton. Please scroll down to view the winning artworks and judges comments.

First Prize


The Queen’s Arms

by Peter Hubbard


Art can do many things, it can impress us, intimidate and terrify us, inspire and make us laugh, cry and gasp in wonder. One of my favourite things that art does is transform everyday ordinary moments into something transcendent. Art that makes you walk through the world and see things through new eyes. An artist who can stand before a grand vista and then turn his/her easel around and find beauty in the cracks of the pavement or the catching of light against a dumpster. For me the winning work does this. It takes an ordinary corner of the world, ordinary but recognisable as Brisbane because of its unique architecture. The composition is bold and brave but expertly handled. The light is nothing but Australian, Queensland’s light… the cars almost melt into the shade. It’s an intelligent painting full of heart.

Second Prize

Coming Home

by Alexandra Matthews


This artwork suggests such a strong sense of place that I could not turn away from it. I’ve walked some streets in Brisbane in the twilight and at night, and this image really speaks to that experience. One of the most beloved aspects of this city are its heritage houses but this painting could almost be read with a certain foreboding twist. Against the darkened skies and expertly handled light, the residences offer a contrasting sense of warmth and safety as the night closes in. A lone figure making his way home sets up a narrative of endless questions and wondering.


Third Prize

Spring Hill Baths EST. 1886

by Sharon Heeley


This next artist has drawn the most elegant abstract ideas out of a very iconic landmark. It’s hard to view a pool painting without thinking of those by David Hockney, and this artist’s careful treatment of the water and the placement of the figure certainly honours and continues those ideas. Swimming has such a grand place in our national psyche and the baths have a long and important role in our history of community and public wellbeing. As someone who coached swimming and worked as a lifeguard to support my art practice as a student, I can intimately relate to both the physicality and psychology of this scene. It’s a piece that plays with scale and composition in a very thoughtful and compelling way.

Highly Commended

Walking on Alice Street

by Glenda Markwell


This artwork pits nature in the form of the ever familiar fig trees that adorn our city cozied up to and almost entwined with an old wrought iron fence. I love that the artist chose this subject… two very old elements of our city whose strength and beauty are fighting against the modernisation and development of the metropolis. The juxtaposition of the pattern in the fence against the great roots and pattern of the bark are simply breathtaking and the use of negative space serves to heighten the experience.

Ocean’s Edge

by Sophie Malkin


The highly commended goes to a painting I know many of you may have already picked as the winner and it certainly deserves to. It is absolutely stunning. The composition is perfect. Its combination of nature and culture is both subtle and intriguing, the handling of paint is masterful, as is the colour and capturing of light through the water. I know these moments intimately both through my time spent in the ocean but also through trying to tackle such an elusive subject myself. I take my hat off to this artist and if no one buys this before the night is out then the world has gone mad.

Young Artist Excellence Award

For X

by Jenny Hjertquist


I was struck by this artwork as soon as I saw it and it is as deserving of the main category accolades as it is of the youth award. It is an intimate artwork, capturing an iconic and enormous landmark, offsetting the harsh industrial nature of the subject with a careful, almost loving rendering. This work plays with scale in a very compelling way, the smallness and lack of colour emphasises the intimacy of the artists hand. You can easily imagine the artist sitting at the base of this structure gently and diligently recording her experience.

Fellows Selection

Open to eligible RQAS Members. Selected by Beverley Tainton FRQAS

Breakfast on Park Road

by Helen Syron


When selecting for this Fellows’ Award, I was drawn to a wonderful creative abstraction that enticed me to take a closer look and to return again.
Expressive line work and colour use, particularly purple blues complementing golden yellows, create an overall unity that holds my attention.
The contemporary treatment of an iconic statue leading the viewer in and upwards, together with surrounding structures, bring back memories of many breakfasts I have enjoyed at Park Road Milton. Consequently, I was not surprised when I read the title of this painting – Breakfast on Park Road.

Peoples Choice

Storm Approaching the City

by Jules Farrell
